Every good idea has NOT been done. - First blog post.
The Basics - Some simple things you can do to get started.
To get the mind rolling, Omusing features single-player improv games you can play to come up with ideas. For these games you often need a piece of paper and a prompt.
A prompt serves as a starting point for your game. You can get prompts from variety of different places. They can be random or apply to your topic. Omusing features an in-browser prompter. Click here for more information.
Certain games have little helpers called widgets. These can be added to the home page or opened to their own separate tab by clicking the widget actions button underneath the widget.
Omusing is currently in it's infancy. New features and articles will be rolled out every week. If you notice something out-of-place, or want to tell us what you think, send inquiries to john@omusing.com.
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